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The world’s first and only nationally syndicated radio show devoted to diving! Suckin’ on-air since 1997! ScubaRadio is likely the most downloaded scuba themed podcast in the world as well! It airs every Saturday from 3-5pm EST on radio stations throughout the US and worldwide both live and through archived podcasts. Each week Greg The Divemaster and friends guide you through the latest dive related news and information often combined with an irreverent twist. Imagine hanging out at a Tiki bar after a day of diving and sharing fish tales with friends. Join the conversation live at 1-888-88-SCUBA, through email, or by clicking on the “Get on the air” tab 24/7 right here at ScubaRadio.com.
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Here's a video from our ScubaRadio ScubaCruise with Explorer Ventures from October 2019. It was epic and even inspired a song. Turn it up and know we apologize in advance.
Dive deeper into our adventure by listening to the ScubaRadio broadcast from the deck of Explorer Ventures' Grand Sea Explorer!
October 26, 2019 Hour 1
October 26, 2019 Hour 2
This video was shot exclusively with an iPhone 7+ using a Kraken smart underwater housing. The music is “Livin' Large on a Liveaboard” by The Scuba Cowboy!
Check on the entire 2-hour ScubaRadio broadcast from this liveaboard adventure in Saba-Statia-St Kitts by clicking below!
We shot video of one of an audio segment from our Nevis broadcast and this is the result! All footage was caught using GoPro cameras, Light and Motion Sola dive lights, PolarPro filters, and a quikpod Explorer II.
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Check on the entire 2-hour ScubaRadio broadcast from Nevis by clicking below!
Check out this video from our adventure at Deep Water Cay in the Bahamas!
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